
10 Reasons You Should Be Excited About Metaverse Games

Step App Team
November 16, 2022

Metaverse games are an exciting and rapidly-growing industry that has the potential to revolutionise the way we think about gaming, collaboration, education, and entertainment. Besides the funny videos of metaverse game players running and crashing into walls, TV screens and other unexpected accidents with VR Glasses on, there are a number of fun changes this new approach to gaming is ushering into our digitally inclined world. 

Metaverse games seamlessly blend virtual world experiences with reality, enabling players to delve into a fully realized and interactive virtual space that convincingly immerses them in that digital environment. The application of metaverse games spans across familiar game genres, encompassing massively multiplayer online role-playing and battle games, as well as third and first-person adventure games, along with virtual reality simulation games. The extensive range of possibilities and applications has captivated the attention of scientists, researchers, game designers, and technology enthusiasts for decades.

Recent advancements in technology, such as development of detailed computer graphics, motion controllers and motion-sensitive computer interfaces as well as the proliferation of smartphones, and the development of virtual reality headsets, have made it possible for metaverse games to enter the mainstream consciousness. However, metaverse games are not new! The first head-mounted devices emerged in the 1990’s and were already being utilised by the gaming industry for virtual gaming.

The current state of metaverse games is one of growth and innovation especially with web3 ushering in provably-owned digital assets with non-fungible tokens. More and more game developers are investing in creating fully-realised virtual worlds, and the market for virtual reality games is expected to exceed $53.44 billion by 2028 and the metaverse is projected to be worth more than $5 trillion in value as reported by Mckinsey and Company. It’s exciting to know that as technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more incredible and immersive metaverse gaming experiences in the future.

1. Metaverse Games Have Immersive and Interactive Experiences

Undoubtedly, the most interesting feature of metaverse games is the immersive and interactive gaming experiences it offers. Unlike traditional, solitary gaming, metaverse games inject players’ perception into three-dimensional, 360-view and highly-detailed virtual worlds, allowing them to explore and interact with the game environment in ways that were previously impossible. Currently, not every metaverse game requires you to have a VR headset or other head-mounted displays. Some metaverse games can be engaged in with a PC or mobile phone (iOS or Android).

Popular metaverse games such as Minecraft and Roblox allow players to build and customise their own virtual spaces within the virtual world. While massively multiplayer online games like Fortnite offer vast, open worlds to explore and conquer with other players.

The level of immersion and interactivity in metaverse games is truly unrivalled by anything before it, and it's one of the reasons why so many people are drawn to this type of gaming. Imagine being able to build your own virtual world and share it with others. With NFTs today, you can actually build and own it, and prove that you do with the blockchain.

The Step App will be leveraging immersive technologies to gamify the fitness industry in a metaverse. In its fitness ecosystem, walking, jogging and running are turned into competitive activities, and you are rewarded with KCAL tokens for completing challenges. Championing the concept of Fitness Finance (FITFI), Step App aims to bridge the physical and virtual fitness experiences with similar Web3 game technologies.

2. Metaverse Games Create More Opportunities for Socialization and Community Building

Another fascinating aspect of metaverse games lies in the unique opportunity they offer for players to forge connections with others within a virtual realm on a more personal level. Whether engaged in multiplayer competition or simply traversing a virtual landscape with friends, metaverse games foster a degree of socialization and community development that surpasses the confines of conventional, solitary gaming on a screen.

Numerous metaverse games, including massively multiplayer online games, boast vibrant communities where players unite to conquer quests, engage in epic battles, and even establish in-game enterprises. These communities often evolve into close-knit groups, where players cultivate real-world friendships and, in some instances, kindle romantic relationships through shared virtual experiences. An exemplary illustration of this phenomenon is the occurrence of the first ever metaverse wedding.

The potential of metaverse games to facilitate social connections is undeniably thrilling. In these immersive virtual worlds, players not only "see" and hear each other but actively participate in a shared virtual economy. As technological advancements persist, we can anticipate even more avenues for players to connect with one another in metaverse games. Beyond the enhancement of the gaming experience, if the metaverse attains a lifelike world status, it holds the promise of virtually uniting individuals from across the globe, fostering a profound sense of community.

3. Metaverse Games Unlocks A Greater Sense Of Ownership & Purpose

Metaverse games in combination with all of the capabilities unleashed by the web3 technology is even more mind-blowing! Players can go beyond interacting with in-game environments and assets to owning them as either Non-fungible or semi-fungible tokens. A player's ownership of assets within the metaverse game can be verified or proved on-chain.

Parcels of lands, building blocks and elements, avatars and their accessories, in-game history and progress can all be minted on chain immutably, and not even the metaverse game developers can dispute a player’s ownership of them. Metaverse games leverage their decentralized nature to empower players with a true sense of purpose as they are convinced by the verifiable on-chain ledger that all in-game assets are distributed in a fair manner, and based on merit. The rewards can only be earned or won by a player that is deserving and not by the publisher’s choice or preference. 

It’s truly fantastic that all of the effort put in gaming can now be directly awarded to players and not just professionals. This is a part of the mission of Step App’s gamified approach to the world of fitness. Step App created a fitness community that intends on rewarding everyone that exercises whilst using the App. The Step ecosystem will reward casual workout enthusiasts for working out as well, and make financial rewards in the fitness space go beyond the bounds of being exclusively available to professional athletes. 

4. Metaverse Games Is Propelling Growth of the Gaming Industry

For many, metaverse games are more than just a way to pass the time, it's an industry that is rapidly growing and offers many career and investment opportunities. Game development requires a robust team to achieve. The popularity of metaverse games has seen a steady increase in recent years, and as mentioned before, the market for virtual reality games is projected to surpass $53 billion by 2028. This growth has attracted many investors, game developers and publishers to the field, and it has led to a significant increase in the development of metaverse games.

Not only has the growth of metaverse games attracted investors, but it has also created job opportunities for developers, designers, and other industry professionals. As the metaverse industry continues to evolve, so does the need for professionals with expertise in virtual world design, virtual reality, and game development. This creates a beneficial relationship for both metaverses and the gaming industry. 

5. Metaverse Games Are Leading Advancements in Virtual Reality Technology

Another exciting aspect of metaverse gaming is the potential for advancements in virtual reality technology to enhance the gaming experience. Considering the size of investments pouring into the now trending technology, it’s only certain that sleeker tools for engagement and deeper immersion will be produced soon.

Virtual Reality headset's technology such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, and PlayStation VR have made it possible for players to begin immersing themselves in the game world and experience a level of immersion that was previously impossible. To take things to the next level, Meta (formerly Facebook) is already developing the technology to make players feel the Metaverse.

High-tech Haptic feedback systems, as it is called, motion tracking, and body tracking are being developed and implemented to provide even more realistic and immersive experiences for players. The technology is pushing towards full immersion where all our senses are convinced that we are truly in a different world and be convinced it’s not just led by a head-mounted display.

6. Metaverse Games Create More Media For Education and Training

Metaverse games can be applied beyond entertainment. It’s been applied to remote collaboration and it also creates opportunities for education and training. Virtual environments provide a safe and controlled space for learners to practice and apply their knowledge in a realistic and engaging way and most importantly non-destructively.

For instance, virtual reality technology is already being used in medical education to provide students with a more realistic and immersive learning experience. Similarly, virtual flight & battle worlds have been gamified and used to train pilots, astronauts, and soldiers in a safe, low-cost environment.

Moreover, metaverse games are now being applied to art galleries, auction and exhibition houses to provide education to people who are very far away from the real-world location or can’t afford it.

In the same vein, Step App is creating a new avenue for fitness lovers or steppers as they are referred to in the Step ecosystem to train and build their bodies in collaboration with other fitness lovers who may not be able to join them IRL. Essentially, you can get a remote “gym” group and get fit together.

7. Metaverse Games Enables Detailed Customisation and Personalisation

Personalizing avatars and characters to reflect a player’s personalities and preferences can be a really satisfying experience. Even more exciting is seeing, and controlling this Character to behave as you would in the real world. Metaverse games offer an unparalleled level of customisation and personalisation that allows players to create unique and personalized gaming experiences.

Furthermore, metaverse games like Minecraft, give players the ability to build and customise their own virtual worlds. This can include everything from building houses and cities to designing clothing and accessories for their avatars. In other immersive simulation metaverse games, the storyline is completely tailored to the user's choices as more levels of gameplay are unlocked.

Step App doesn’t give players the opportunity to design their SNEAK NFTs, but players can apply custom upgrades to improve their experiences in the Step ecosystem. 

8. Metaverse Games Have Potentials For Real-World Applications.

The principles and technological foundations underlying metaverse games present versatile applications across diverse fields and industries, offering solutions to problems and opening up new possibilities. A prime illustration is in the realm of remote communication and collaboration. In response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work and virtual meetings became commonplace, leading to the integration of metaverse game environments to establish immersive and interactive spaces for remote teams to collaborate seamlessly. A number of companies have landed metaverse offices, translating their digital products into tangible real-world experiences.

Another noteworthy application of metaverse games is seen in the utilization of virtual and augmented reality technology within sectors like architecture, engineering, and construction. This technology empowers professionals to visualize and navigate building designs within a virtual environment, providing a more streamlined and cost-effective approach to the planning and construction of structures.

Considering the innovative opportunities presented by Step App for connecting with fellow fitness enthusiasts and collaborating while earning rewards, it emerges as a compelling alternative to other social workout programs such as Spin Classes. When “spinners” need to spice up their workout routine with some walking, Jogging or running, Step App is a great companion finder to turn to.

9. Metaverse Games Bring New Business Models

Game developers are experimenting with new monetisation models beyond the traditional  subscription-based models and in-game item purchases. Metaverse games are responsible for the novel play-to-earn, stake-to-play models in web3. The aim is to keep players engaged, and distribute wealth fairly to everyone, not just professional gamers, and generate revenue for the game itself.

These new models also allow for continuous funding of the game development and not just from one-time sales of game CDs, which means more updates, new features, and improvements to the game.

Step App’s Move to Earn is directly inspired by these new business models from Metaverse games.

10. Metaverse Games Are Fostering Efforts To Break The Boundaries Between The Virtual and Real World

Deep perception immersion is just the first step. It’s triggered the realisation that not only can humans create a virtual world, we can completely immerse ourselves in it. Now the next quest for man is to merge both worlds. Giant strides are already being made with high-tech haptic and augmented technologies. Once again, these are new opportunities for players to connect with others, express themselves, feel themselves, and even make a difference in the real world.

GameFi & FitFi economies are already threading towards bridging value generation and exchange between the virtual and real world. Until the advent of Metaverse games, the value generated in-game stays there because they were not conceived as real. With blockchain technology, they now can be considered as real and valuable assets. 

In short, value can now be generated in the virtual world and exchanged out to the real world or generated out in the real world and exchanged into the virtual world. Step App’s move to earn is a good example of value generated outside and injected into the virtual world.

Metaverse Games are Paving an Exciting New Future for Gamers

Metaverse games offer endless possibilities, and that’s what keeps it exciting. From immersive gaming experiences and opportunities for socialization, to even real-world applications, the potential for this industry is truly equal to none. 

This article highlighted 10 reasons why you should be excited about metaverse games, but that doesn’t mean these are the only possible reasons. There are even more still unfolding as the technology advances. 

Hopefully you see the astonishing possibilities of metaverse games. The possibilities are indeed endless, and we most gaming enthusiasts can’t wait to see what the future holds for metaverse games. Metaverse games are definitely worth keeping an eye on! 

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